Wednesday, June 8, 2016

EXTRA CREDIT Event 1: Fowler Museum

  Today my friend Matt and I went to Fowler Museum. The first exhibition that we went to was "Art of the Austronesians. The Legacy of Indo-Pacific Voyaging. There were so many pieces to this collection I didn't really know where to begin. What struck me as having the most correlation with our class was the incorporation of Art and Culture and finding new innovative ways to create different types of clothes, designs, and ways to express their culture and even to tell a story about their lives, as well as the way in which technological innovations and the way they made art advanced.

The Indigenous Peoples of Tawain: was a part of the indigenous people who stayed in Tawain. The climate in Tawain required them to have particular clothing and shelter where they soon derived their artistic and cultural expression. A lot of this expression was done through loom weaving, the footrest on the loom acts as a drum, sounding with the rhythm of work to signal the industriousness of the weaver. The use of the fibers were a norm before trade introduced cotton cultivation. This ties in music, art, and the first creative and technological way to create cloth on a loom. 
The second exhibition was called "Reflection Culture: The Francis E. Fowler Collection of Silver" I thought this part of the museum was very cool, I love silver so it was interesting to see where it all comes from and the various uses of it that express 16th century to 19th century Europe. These pieces tied into our class I believe by reflecting the culture, inventions, status and style of the cultures that it was meant to represent. By using the various techniques and the advancements of technology that blacksmiths were able to use on their work to develop this immaculate silver, reflects how art, culture and technology have all advanced and continue to reflect culture in Europe through silver. 

My personal favorite gallery was "Pantheon" de Diablito Rojo (Cemetery of the Little Red Devil) by Jose Guadalupe Posada. There was a video on how all of the pieces were made, such as the skeletons and various props,  that were made from newspaper spreadsheets which I found pretty amazing that someone is that creative to create these sculptures of skeletal figures, animals, and caricatures. This art pieces were used to reflect the Mexican culture and the struggles of how they found an identity after the Mexican Revolution. 

Proof that I went to the museum: also another awkward photo of my friend Matt and I